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Unlock the Secret to Triathlon Success: Josh Billings RunAground 2024 Preview

Unlock the Secret to Triathlon Success: Josh Billings RunAground 2024 Preview

Anticipation Builds for the 2024 Josh Billings RunAground After Last Year's Cancellation

It's been nearly a year filled with reflection and recalibration for the Josh Billings RunAground Triathlon committee. The abrupt cancellation of the 2023 event, just a night before the race due to severe weather predictions, left the team and participants in a whirlwind of disappointment. Yet, with resilience at the core of their spirit, the committee, led by the newly appointed race director Abby Chaput, is poised to make the 2024 edition a memorable comeback.

Abby Chaput, stepping into the role of race director early in 2023, faced an unforeseen challenge with the cancellation. "It was a tough call to make, but the safety of our participants always comes first," Chaput shared during a recent interview. The decision, though difficult, was necessary under the circumstances. However, it sparked a comprehensive review of policies and procedures, ensuring better preparedness for future uncertainties.

Brian Rabuse, a veteran participant since 1996 and a committee member since 2007, recalls the tense moments leading up to last year's cancellation. "We were all set to mark the bike course, and then the weather reports rolled in," he said. The committee has since adjusted their approach, opting to make any necessary cancellation calls on the morning of the race to better accommodate traveling participants.

The 2024 race, scheduled for September 15, promises all the familiar excitement with some new tweaks to enhance the experience. "We're bringing back all the elements our racers love, and adding a few surprises to make this year especially memorable," Chaput enthused.

In the lead-up to the race, the committee has not only revamped their weather response strategy but also their communication protocols. "We've improved how we handle registrations and team changes, making the process smoother for everyone involved," Chaput added.

Community response has been overwhelmingly positive, with registration numbers already surpassing last year's figures around the same time. "It's heartening to see the support from our community. It gives us all a boost of confidence that this year's race will be one for the books," Chaput remarked.

In preparation, the committee is hosting several cycling clinics led by Brian Rabuse and fellow cyclist Jason Candee. These sessions are designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned cyclists, focusing on everything from basic skills to race-day tactics.

Moreover, the Josh Billings RunAground isn't just about the race itself. It's a celebration of endurance, community, and the beautiful Berkshires landscape. This year's post-race bash at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac is set to be a festive gathering, providing a space for racers to unwind and celebrate their achievements.

As the countdown to race day continues, Abby Chaput and her team are dedicated to delivering an event that honors the legacy of the Josh Billings RunAground. "We're all in this together – committed to making the 2024 race a safe, enjoyable, and competitive event that highlights the best of our community," Chaput concluded.

For those interested in joining or learning more about the race details, visit the official website at Whether you're a returning racer or a new entrant, the Josh Billings RunAground is gearing up to be an event that reconnects us all to the joy of triathlon and the strength of community resilience.

What is the Josh Billings RunAground Triathlon?

The Josh Billings RunAground Triathlon is an annual race consisting of biking, canoeing/kayaking, and running, held in the Berkshires. It attracts participants from various regions and includes different race categories.

Why was the 2023 race canceled?

The 2023 Josh Billings RunAground Triathlon was canceled due to inclement weather forecasts, which potentially jeopardized the safety of participants.

How did the committee decide on canceling the race?

The committee made the decision based on a severe weather report and safety concerns for the participants. Although they initially wanted to wait until the morning of the race to make the call, the forecast for a bad storm prompted them to cancel the night before.

Will there be changes in how future race cancellations are handled?

Yes, the committee has adjusted their decision-making process to potentially wait until the morning of the race to decide on cancellations. They have updated the waiver to reflect this, stating the race could be canceled on the day of the event due to weather conditions.

Are participants refunded if the race is canceled?

The race waiver states that no refunds will be provided if the race is canceled due to inclement weather, as expenses are incurred prior to the race day. However, efforts were made to provide partial refunds for the 2023 cancellation.

What preparations are being made for the 2024 race?

The committee and volunteers are actively preparing for the 2024 race, including hosting cycling and paddle clinics. Changes have also been made to improve communications and logistics, ensuring a successful event for all participants.

Where can I register for the Josh Billings RunAground?

You can register for the Josh Billings RunAground on their official website at, where you will find various categories and information for the event.

#JoshBillingsRunAground #TriathlonPreparation


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