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Key Formulas for Bike Aerodynamics and a Simulation Tool

Key Formulas for Bike Aerodynamics and a Simulation Tool

Bike Aerodynamics Simulator
Main Formulas to Calculate Aerodynamic Performance on a Bike

Main Formulas to Calculate Aerodynamic Performance on a Bike

1. Aerodynamic Drag Equation

The primary formula used to calculate aerodynamic performance in cycling is the aerodynamic drag equation. This equation quantifies the force exerted by air resistance on the cyclist and bike:

\[ F_d = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \rho \cdot C_d \cdot A \cdot v^2 \]


  • \( F_d \) = Aerodynamic drag force (N)
  • \( \rho \) = Air density (kg/m³)
  • \( C_d \) = Drag coefficient (dimensionless)
  • \( A \) = Frontal area of the cyclist and bike (m²)
  • \( v \) = Velocity of the cyclist relative to the air (m/s)

2. Power Required to Overcome Aerodynamic Drag

To maintain a certain speed, the cyclist must produce power to overcome the aerodynamic drag. The power required can be calculated using:

\[ P_d = F_d \cdot v = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \rho \cdot C_d \cdot A \cdot v^3 \]


  • \( P_d \) = Power required to overcome aerodynamic drag (W)
  • \( F_d \) = Aerodynamic drag force (N)
  • \( v \) = Velocity of the cyclist relative to the air (m/s)

3. Rolling Resistance

While not purely aerodynamic, rolling resistance also affects the overall performance. The rolling resistance force can be calculated using:

\[ F_r = C_r \cdot m \cdot g \]


  • \( F_r \) = Rolling resistance force (N)
  • \( C_r \) = Rolling resistance coefficient (dimensionless)
  • \( m \) = Mass of the cyclist and bike (kg)
  • \( g \) = Acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²)

4. Total Power Required

The total power required to maintain a constant speed on a flat surface, considering both aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance, is:

\[ P_{total} = P_d + P_r = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \rho \cdot C_d \cdot A \cdot v^3 + C_r \cdot m \cdot g \cdot v \]


  • \( P_{total} \) = Total power required (W)
  • \( P_d \) = Power required to overcome aerodynamic drag (W)
  • \( P_r \) = Power required to overcome rolling resistance (W)

5. Effect of Gradient

When cycling on an incline, the gravitational component must be added to the power calculation:

\[ P_{gradient} = m \cdot g \cdot v \cdot \sin(\theta) \]


  • \( P_{gradient} \) = Power required to overcome the gradient (W)
  • \( m \) = Mass of the cyclist and bike (kg)
  • \( g \) = Acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²)
  • \( v \) = Velocity of the cyclist (m/s)
  • \( \theta \) = Angle of the incline (radians)

6. Total Power on an Incline

Combining all components, the total power required on an incline is:

\[ P_{total} = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \rho \cdot C_d \cdot A \cdot v^3 + C_r \cdot m \cdot g \cdot v + m \cdot g \cdot v \cdot \sin(\theta) \]

These formulas provide a comprehensive framework for calculating the aerodynamic performance and overall power requirements for cycling under various conditions.


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