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Local Couple's Inspiring Triathlon Raises Thousands for Mental Health Awareness

Local Couple's Inspiring Triathlon Raises Thousands for Mental Health Awareness

Turning Tragedy into Triumph: The Annual Triathlon for Mental Health Awareness

In the heart of Reedsburg, Wisconsin, an extraordinary event unfolds each year that epitomizes the power of community and the resilience of the human spirit. The Blake Matthew Mindful Memorial Triathlon isn't just a test of endurance; it's a beacon of hope and a fundraiser dedicated to the vital cause of mental health.

Founded by Gatlin Fenwick and his wife, this annual triathlon has a poignant origin. The couple was struck by tragedy when their 21-year-old son, Blake, tragically took his own life in 2020. Rising from the depths of their grief, they channeled their sorrow into a force for good, creating an event that not only honors their son's memory but also offers tangible help to those battling mental health issues.

The triathlon itself is a unique blend of challenges: a 6.6-mile bike ride, a 1-mile paddle down the serene Baraboo River, and a 1.7-mile run to the finish line. This year marked the third iteration of the event, with 53 determined athletes taking part. Each participant, whether a seasoned triathlete or a first-timer, contributes to a cause much greater than personal achievement.

What's truly remarkable about this event is the overwhelming community support it garners. Each year, around 50-60 volunteers, alongside countless friends and family members, come together to ensure the triathlon's success. Their dedication is a testament to the collective desire to support mental health initiatives and to keep Blake's memory alive.

The impact of their efforts is tangible. To date, the Fenwicks have raised over $150,000, funding scholarships and sponsoring mental health treatments and therapy for those in need. These funds make a real difference, offering hope and help to those who might otherwise suffer in silence.

The Blake Matthew Mindful Memorial Foundation, born from this event, stands as a pillar of support and awareness in the community. For more information on how you can contribute or participate, visit their website here.

This triathlon is more than just a race; it's a lifeline to those in need, a healing process for a grieving family, and a rallying cry for all of us to pay attention to mental health. It reminds us that from deep personal loss can come profound communal gain. Let's keep the wheels turning, the paddles rowing, and our feet running towards a future where mental health is prioritized and cherished. Join us next year in Reedsburg and be a part of something truly transformative.

What is Blake's Triathlon and Mental Health Fundraiser?

Blake's Triathlon and Mental Health Fundraiser is an annual event organized by Gatlin Fenwick and his wife to raise money for mental health resources. The event was started in memory of their 21-year-old son Blake, who took his own life in 2020.

What activities are included in the triathlon?

The triathlon consists of a 6.6-mile bike ride, a one-mile paddle down the Baraboo River, and a 1.7-mile run back.

How much money has been raised through the event?

To date, the event has raised over $150,000 for scholarships and mental health treatments and therapy for anyone who applies.

How can I learn more about the foundation and the event?

You can learn more about the Blake Matthew Mindful Memorial Foundation and the triathlon by visiting the official website at

Who helps organize and run the triathlon event?

Around 50-60 volunteers, friends, and family members help Gatlin Fenwick and his wife prepare for and run the triathlon.

#MentalHealthFundraiser #BlakesTriathlon


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