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How Taylor Knibb Dominated T100 San Francisco!

How Taylor Knibb Dominated T100 San Francisco!

Triathlon Race Recap: A Weekend of Intense Competition and Unforgettable Moments

This past weekend was nothing short of spectacular in the world of triathlons, featuring events from the scenic T100 San Francisco to the challenging Ironman 70.3 Boulder, and not forgetting the adventurous XTERRA Belgium. Each race brought its own unique challenges and memorable moments.

Highlights from the Races:

  • T100 San Francisco: Taylor Knibb continues her winning streak, showcasing her formidable prowess across all segments of the race. The course, overlapping with the iconic Escape from Alcatraz route, tested athletes with its chilly swims and hilly bike routes.
  • Ironman 70.3 Boulder: Trevor Foley demolished previous records with his lightning-fast bike segment, setting a new benchmark and taking home the victory. The race was a display of endurance and strategy, with athletes pushing their limits.
  • XTERRA Belgium: Transformed into a duathlon due to increased river levels, athletes adapted to the change with fierce competitiveness. Sandra Mairhofer dominated the women's race, proving her mettle on the challenging course.

What were the results for the T100 San Francisco 2024 Women's race?

The top 5 results for the T100 San Francisco 2024 Women's race were:

  1. Taylor Knibb (USA), 3:38:01
  2. Kat Matthews (GBR), 3:41:48
  3. Laura Philipp (DEU), 3:45:07
  4. Imogen Simmonds (CHE), 3:47:22
  5. Emma Pallant-Browne (GBR), 3:47:56

What were the results for the T100 San Francisco 2024 Men's race?

The top 5 results for the T100 San Francisco 2024 Men's race were:

  1. Marten Van Riel (DEU), 3:18:20
  2. Kyle Smith (NZL), 3:18:21
  3. Rico Bogen (DEU), 3:18:24
  4. Magnus Ditlev (DNK), 3:19:38
  5. Mika Noodt (DEU), 3:19:43

What significant changes happened in the XTERRA Belgium 2024 race?

The XTERRA Belgium 2024 race was changed from a triathlon to a duathlon due to increased water levels in the Meuse River. The new format included a 5-kilometer run, 35-kilometer bike, and 10-kilometer run.


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